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Boozer Twelve Kidnapping Victim


  • The party seeks the Anchor’s Rest, and with it hopefully their guide
    • Port Nyanzaru is a bit more diverse, both in terms of its inhabitants and fauna. For example, dinosaurs are used as beasts of burden
  • Arriving at the Anchor, the trio buy a round from the bartender and inquire as to the whereabouts of Mr. 12 himself, Beezer Twelve Washingbeard
    • Kleb finds him passed out at a corner table, and with some difficulty manage to wake him
    • Beezer explains that Oz has not returned from a trip into the jungle roughly a fortnight ago, but he doesn’t feel comfortable going after him
    • Efforts to recruit the sorcerer largely fail due to his cowardice and drunkenness, so the group opts to just kidnap him once he passes out again and let him sleep it off. He owes a tidy sum on his tab, so Rowan uses his newly-awkened shadow-touched abilities to make the dwarf invisible
      • Rowan’s power doesn’t feel evil or sinister, but it is distinct from his connection to Tymora
    • The bartender does not stop them but two men tail the group almost immediately once they leave. Kleb confronts them on the street and one shoots a dart, narrowly missing him in the crowded street
      • Unceremoniously dropping Beezer, Kleb marches through the crowd, shoves one attacker prone, and traps the other with a weapon bind. The first man recovers first, grappling Kleb in turn so all three are wrapped up together. The second strikes Kleb in the face but fails to break his grip
      • Having seen a menagerie of dinosaurs at this point, Rulkorf becomes a Deinonychus and charges at the prone man. His ungainly new form does hinder his claws though. Rowan follows up on the other assailant, connecting with his shield
    • Dino-korf notices people in the crowd struggling to drag something away with them…